The Los Angeles Saunamen’s Association

Many of you are aware that I founded a sauna enthusiast’s club. We were short-lived, but our run was tight. We delivered a premium buddies experience, one Saturday a month for about a year. You can read the minutes on my sadly neglected sauna enthusiast’s blog. Be there with us for a heat, won’t you? Even if just in blog form?

Anyway, since this is quickly becoming a letters blog, here’s the letter we sent to our future membership. A strong beginning, I think.


Live From New York…

Just got word from Jake. An email was delivered at 4:10am this morning. I wonder if that’s New York time. That would be 7:10am. Not Jake’s hours, for sure, and the email detailed the fact that sleep had been impossible. News of his strange and fruiting career later today. I’m looking forward to it.

I mention Jake not only because I’ve been thinking about him on his strange adventure all weekend, but because he and Bill that are the coda to the following story.

It begins in a serene garden high above the western edge of the Sunset Strip, E and I doing our best to attain the dress code given on the invitation: sharp. It was the wedding of of a couple we’d been connected to by our old pal Busy, and being the wedding of successful creative people, it was a bon affair, stylish, detailed and wildly entertaining, especially for two people whose most recent date was crashed by a one year old boy who found complaint with the choice of restaurant, the mode of transportation, the hour, and on and on.

We’ve been friends with this couple for a year and change now, and they’ve been generous with us in every way. They have a girl who’s now two and a half, and they funneled her baby things to Otis. When I needed to borrow a Kitchen Aide mixer for a bread baking class I was teaching, theirs was the first to be offered up. (Note to self: Give that back. (As their wedding gift?) (Ha!))) But more than the things, they’ve been generous with themselves. They make time. They answer calls, they return. They’re there, and they’ve widened their circle for us. It’s an old talent, this sort of cheer and friendliness, this ability to open and extend. At best, I can force it, but for Russ and Constance, it’s as smooth and natural as Aggasi’s backhand.

So the wedding was a thrill. I sampled both of the proffered cocktails (Pims Cup and a Moscow Mule), we got silhouettes hand cut, and we were enjoying the wonderful array of people who had come to celebrate the formalization of this powerful union. We’d met a few of these folks before and were seated with the ones we knew best: Busy and her husband and a brilliant young couple who tend an almost-three daughter.

Since I met them, Gil and Eliza have fascinated and intimidated me. They’re blindingly bright, funny and quick. They’re kind. They have a love for each other that’s palpable and that stirs the love for your partner. They are creative, professionally and constantly. They are, in short, F. Scott and Zelda.

Being a man who now spends the majority of his time in service to a small, non-verbal, highly energetic human animal, I would say I have 65-70% of my social skills intact. These two couples, Busy and Marc, Gil and Eliza, positively sparkle. They are not slowed by their off-spring in any visible way. I had to really work to turn up the effervescence.

But what could I do when the talk turned to Saturday Night Live?

To my great surprise, I was not only seated between the most interesting and tactile of people, but I was seated between the most interesting and tactile of people who love Saturday Night Live. And not “loved,” either. Love, as in still watch it live. Every week. They love this show. They’ve attended. Being professionals, they’ve known cast members, guest hosts, musical guests. They are interesting and tactile people with A LOT to say about Saturday Night Live.

This wasn’t a detour in the conversation. This was a welcome destination, and we arrived there not once but twice. It was the God damndest thing.

The last time I remember considering Saturday Night Live essential viewing, I was living alone up in Wisconsin. It was a solid cast at the time, with Will Ferrell doing a lot of heavy lifting. I remember laughing and turning up the U2 guest spot really loud and dancing and imagining the parties that would take place after the show. It was my link back to New York, to the world I had left. I called Jake and Bill who were living there. “This is happening in your town! Can you believe it?!” They could. They were in those waters, around those people and that energy. I was alone and needed it. And I got it every week.

Now I was marooned in these feelings that were still alive in people I enjoy and admire, because they weren’t in me. What had happened? If anything, I need that energy more than ever. In some ways, I’m as solitary as was when I lived in the woods. I’ve lost my tether to the world of spontaneity, to the quick and light. It takes great effort to call up those skills, effort which needs to be put forward. Effort that needs all the help it can get.

When SNL: Jane Lynch appeared in my subscription list the next day, I began downloading immediately.


New Year’s Resolution – Thanks Elizabeth

Elizabeth tivoed “He’s Just Not That Into You,” much to my chagrin, and she’s been watching it today while I do some chores. I’ve popped in and out, so this opinion should be taken with a grain of salt, but Ben Affleck is REALLY good in this movie! I mean, he’s GREAT!!!

So it’s my New Years Resolution to see every movie Ben Affleck has made. In order. From the 1981’s “Dark End of the Street” to “Extract.”

Before you look at the complete list, how many Ben Affleck movies can you name?

1-5 : You’re a Ben-poster!
5-10: Ben there, Affleck that!
10-above: Where you BEN hidin’ your love for the ‘Fleck!


Extract (2009)- Dean
State of Play (2009)- Stephen Collins
He’s Just Not That Into You (2009)- Neil
Smokin’ Aces (2006)- Jack Dupree
Hollywoodland (2006)- George Reeves
Clerks II (2006)- Gawking Guy
Man About Town (2006)- Jack Giamoro
Surviving Christmas (2004)- Drew Latham
Jersey Girl (2004)- Ollie Trinke
Paycheck (2003)- Jennings
Gigli (2003)- Larry Gigli
Daredevil (2003)- Daredevil (Matt Murdock)
The Third Wheel (2002)- Michael
The Sum of All Fears (2002)- Jack Ryan
Changing Lanes (2002)- Gavin Banek
Jay and Silent Bob Strike Back (2001)- Holden McNeil
Daddy and Them (2001)- Lawrence Bowen
Pearl Harbor (2001)- Captain Rafe McCawley
Bounce (2000)- Buddy Amaral
Reindeer Games (2000)- Rudy Duncan.
Boiler Room (2000)- Jim Young
Dogma (1999)- Bartleby
Forces of Nature (1999)- Ben Holmes
200 Cigarettes (1999)- Bartender
Shakespeare in Love (1998)- Ned Alleyn
Armageddon (1998)- A.J. Frost
Phantoms (1998)- Sheriff Bryce Hammond.
Good Will Hunting (1997)- Chuckie Sullivan
Office Killer (1997)- Man in Office (appears in a deleted scene)
Chasing Amy (1997)- Holden McNeil
Going All the Way (1997)- Tom Casselman (nickname- ‘Gunner’)
Mallrats (1995)- Shannon
Glory Daze (1995)- Jack
Dazed and Confused (1993)- Fred O’Bannion
School Ties (1992)- Chesty Smith
Field of Dreams (1989)- Baseball Fan at Fenway Park (uncredited)
The Dark End of the Street (1981)

I Was Wrong about Mr T

It turns out he’s more Omar than Rumblefish.

Mr T is a half-indoor cat that spends the night sleeping curled up at my feet and the day out on the ramble. I’ve long had a fantasy to strap a wee camera on his head and see what he does with those hours. After what I saw yesterday, I don’t know that I’d be able to handle it.

I was sitting on the front steps with Otis looking at the avocado tree when from downhill I heard what sounded like a squirrel being savagely attacked by a cat. Sometimes a thing sounds exactly like what it is. The brambles rustled, the squirrel barked and squealed, Mr T screamed like a gut-shot whore from the 1800s. It was terrible.

Otis did not react, but I did. I “ppfffttt”-ed and the cat lost its grip on the squirrel’s back. The squirrel ran for the avocado tree, Mr T gave chase. I’ve never seen that cat climb 15 feet of tree. Turns out that’s something he can do. I “ppffftt”-ed some more and the squirrel got out of range.

Mr T hissed up at the squirrel, who was concealed from my sight behind some foliage. Then, BOOM. I’ve never seen a squirrel fall out of a tree before, but apparently that’s something that can happen as well. T pounced but I ppffftt-ed as loud as I could and he backed off. The squirrel slowly climbed back up the tree.

It looks like the squirrel lived, because I didn’t find a body beneath the tree. But it stayed up on this branch for a while, its eyes dim. I got a couple shots of the evident carnage, highlighted for ease of viewing, but something tells me there was more damage. That squirrel was hurtin for certain.


Note what appears to be the life leaving the eyes. Grim.


It was pretty obvious that if I hadn’t been there, it would have been curtains for him. In the past few months, I’ve found a couple dead squirrels around the yard. I figured the dog was somehow catching them to prove her worth with the baby now absorbing the bulk of the affections what used to be directed at her. I didn’t figure a cat would attack a squirrel.

It’s funny how cats are capable of cold blooded murder like that. And by funny, I mean deeply disturbing. There’s no reason, other than kicks. It’s not like he eats the thing. He eats three times a day by the washing machine, and cries and whines for his food. The things he kills he just drags near the door and leaves it for the dog to take to her bed, so that we think she did it.

It’s what makes me think of Omar Little (see, the Wire, 2002-2007), the homosexual killer who robs drug dealers. At some point, its established that he doesn’t need money any longer, but he stays in the game because he likes it. He even retires and then comes back for revenge. It’s just in him, and he can’t get it out. But he likes to cuddle up to men.

And that’s pretty much this cat that I live with. And now every time I go to let him in, all I can hear is that thin whistle…”the farmer in the dell…the farmer in the dell…”

Squirrels of Mt. Washington, mad yourself familiar with this scene. React accordingly. T can take a punch to the face. But you’re just no match for his double barrels.

I Think My Arms Are Going to Fall Off

Elizabeth says being old has nothing to do with age, but having children. I think maybe she’s right. I’ve got “Dad Shoulder,” which feels like I’ve torn both rotator cuffs like so much tissue paper. I believe this is from carrying around 14 pounds of weight that moves awkwardly, hour after hour of the day.

Please bear in mind that I prepared my body for this. I set rigorous fitness goals and I met them. I was swimming three miles a week and walking hills every day. I was in the best shape of my life when this kid arrived. Now I feel like a machinist for some shitty circus in the 1920s with rickets and an addiction to that cheap booze substitute that turned your face silver (see “Water for Elephants,” Gruen, Sarah, Algonquin Books, 2006).

On the flipside, I’ve got “Dad Strength,” which is a term coined by Jake Johnson, meaning that the father is capable of feats of strength beyond reason due to his instinct to protect the family. I brought this to bear the other day whilst walking Mabel with Otis is the Ergo Baby Carrier (see, Amazon, dotcom, 2009). Mabel was leashless, as we were just out the fence and on our quiet street. But unfortunately, our neighbor to the uphill was coming out with her dogs (luckily, on leash) and Mabel decided she wanted to tangle up. She growled and made a start and I summoned all dad strength and managed to tackle her whilst keeping dear Otis not only safe, but sleeping. This came at the cost of a favorite pair of pants and about 5 square inches of skin on my knee. My neighbor and I apologized to each other, and I continued my walk, further ruining my pants with a constant drip of blood.

Needless to say, I need to build my body back up and fast. I’m thinking of some hand and ankle weights for whilst walking and some medicine ball work at home. That should do it, right?

Brock Lesnar, where’s your training DVD when I need it most?!


Pregnancy Magazine & Your Friend Clay

It looks like I’m going to get a piece I wrote run in Preggos magazine. They tell me the November issue. But, like anything, I’ll believe it when I see it.

I’ve had all manner of triumph taken away from me. A script sale to Lifetime was robbed by the writer’s strike. My first published essay (The Bad Call, in The Customer is Always Wrong) was accepted without my knowledge and used for the cost of five copies of the book (of which I received two (I gave my mom the other one)). My attempt to screw the phone company into getting better service and faster internet turned into a month of being on hold with the DSL service dept and five visits from technicians. And let’s not forget the whole Brock Lesnar debacle.

Oh, I could go on, complaining and belly-aching for sometime, but it would all be a joke, because I know I’m so very blessed, and I’m happy and I’m writing this with dear wee Otis slung about my neck and shoulders, and what else can a guy really want?
